
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Week 2 ( Describing My Class )

Dear all:

I find my job one that offers a unique experience where on the one hand I work with teachers to develop their knowledge, and skills indifferent teaching methodology, focusing on the "Communicative Approach", Task-based Approach" , "Problem –solving " ,"Critical Thinking ", "Teaching young learners " and "Project –based learning in teaching English. On the other hand, I have the chance to observe students in the teaching learning situation during my guidance and support visits to the teachers whom I train. Therefore, I find it convenient to describe both situations, i.e. the teachers' and the students' courses.

Students Classes:

UNRWA schools, in the area I work at, run classes of about 40-45 students in each class. The classes are segregated and so we have girls' schools run by female staff and boys' schools run by male staff.

The setting of the classes is usually three rows of about 6 -7 desks in sequence. A chalkboard is available in each class. English language teachers have access to
recorders for their use available all the time. However, other technology tools are not always available as they are shared by all the school teachers. These tools are OHP, DVD or CD players ,data shows, 20 computers mainly in the computer lab. Internet services are only available at the computer labs.

At home few students have access to internet

Teachers' Classes:

The training provided to the teachers is an "in-service training". Hence, it is better called training "sessions" rather than "course". Male and female teachers who are newly appointed receive the training according to their needs and with focus on the above mentioned methodology required for the implementation of the curricula in Jordan.
The training is conducted in a rooms equipped with PC, datashow ,and OHP, TV, VCR. One central room, which is not always available, has an intelligent board.There is no internet connection at the rooms. When the internet is needed for the training , we make use of the computer labs available at schools if they are free at a certain date.
It is nit easy to have access to the lab as the schools operate on double shift basis where one building serves two separate schools.
My sessions include a number of teachers ranging between 15-25 teachers. Normally two theoretical training sessions are provided, followed by a demo activity of the approach, then a rather long process of follow up of the training.

As English is taught from Ist Grade to 10th grade in our schools, teachers face the differences in age in addition to the differences in learning styles.
The teachers implement the syllabus of the country by giving 40 minutes classes of between 25-26 periods each week.

Teachers, very often , have access to PCs and internet at home .

Having to cope with all the challenges mentioned above , any new opportunity would be a relief for all.


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Integrated skill learning

When this topic is brought into discussion, I usually remeber the way I learnt English which focused primiraly on reading and writing.However, teachers talked, so we listened, and we responded, so we spoke the language .
Personally, I think the integrated skills are always evident , the difference is the way we tackle them during the teaching-learning situation.
Reading the "Integrated Skills " through the link
by the end this week I learnt how important it is to have the experience of this course to enrich the classroom setting with natural reference to language through the web.
The writer, Rebecca Oxfored also highlights the importance of classroom setting.Having the chance to be attend some of the "Shaping the way we teach English " workshops in Jordan and googling the topic, I would like to share the group with the links:


in which the writer highlights that English language teaching may extend beyond the classroom , especially with all the technology tools like , TVs, e-mails, surfing the internet ...(Mark A. Pegrum).


with the rich on-line resources cited by Charles Kelly.

Yours Hanan

My First Week

What an experience?

At the very beggining of the week I was very excited and confident of my web skills. I started by simple readings and comments. The task we had this week . blogging , seems a simple one . My personal experience with blogs is fine but it seem I have a problem with passwords rather than with blogs. I will find a way to solve through this amazing community .

After reading some of the examples cited ,Ihave learnt that a blog is like a diary, or as Azhar and Kholoud mentioned , its like a journal where you write about your experience.
Following the instructions given bt our tutor made the task easy.I hope I can transfer the knowledge to the students the coming schlastic year.

I do need more work to follw up . This is my reflection and it will be my target through the coming weeks

Friday, June 25, 2010

Week 1 Reflection

Dear Deborah and all :

I have created my blog. It's name is Creative Teens and the URL is

This is not my first trial in blogging. I have different blogs that I use for communication and discussion. Unfortunately, I do not visit these blogs often. This is the first time I will be using blogs for learning, and so it will be an active one I hope.

I hope I can transfer the knowledge to the learners later.

Hope to receive your messages

