
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Learner Autonomy & One Computer Classroom

This week was quite an experience. We did the following tasks:

1. Reading and reflecting about learner autonomy.

2. Reading and reflecting about some ideas for one computer classroom.

3. Planning a one-computer lesson plan that suits our situation.

4. Thinking of the addition a one computer can do to our classrooms.

During our discussions , I found that the idea of autonomy is "dynamic" process, which has three main components

• The learner,

• The teacher

• The teaching system and situation

Different ideas were proposed to enhance autonomy. Building on the readings of the articles suggested by Dr. Deborah and the ideas shared by our colleagues, autonomy can be enhanced during the different steps pf the learning situation.

In her lesson plan of the one computer, Bella suggested that it will be used for the introductory lesson. since the first lesson has "a great importance for the success of the learning process throughout the whole term."  A different approach of starting the coursed and more autonomy for the learner. I learnt about  the way to prepare an online survey http:// 

Stephen ideas and plan of the one computer learning station was quite interseting.

During the learning process , suggestion were made to cater for learning new items, facilitating the process of delivery, motivating learners and above all evaluating the learning outcomes. To list some of the ideas presented , I include:

Vocabulary lists :

• "Learning logs"

• Preparing evaluation sheets and rubrics will be easier with the use of the delicious programmes we have been introduced to.

• Using word processing programme is feasible in the case of working with vocabulary.

• Enhancing group work through PBL is another option.

Most of the ideas are shared by our classmates ,to mention Azhar, Janet ,Izabella, Stephen, Camilia and Arbi.
Thanks to Camelia, I came to the conclusion that autonomy is more of a metacognitive strategy.

I have learned new skill in using the MS word processing feature for correcting writing through 'Tracking Changes' and 'Auto Summarizing', after reading "Technology Tip of the month". By our trainer. Something that Elsa shares me with.

Finally, I prepared my one computer lesson plan which is uploaded at :

The lesson is a " 3th grade writing one which is about "Food Items" (Fruit) focusing on" Expressing likes and dislikes " using the Structure" I like ……. , I don't like ……."

Referring to the article :" Internet ideas" (Quick Individual Project for the lab) at:

After going through the food project "Fruit" at

I adapted the ideas to my situation. The ADCD objectives

1. Students (A) will remember the pronunciation and the shape of the fruit items learnt in the previous lesson (B) by doing a pair question activity (C) correctly (D)

2. Students (A) will recognize the pronunciation and the shape of the fruit items (B) after the teacher's presentation (C) correctly (D)

3 Students (A) will use "I don't like ….." to talk about some fruit items they chose (B) after learning the structure (C) correctly (D)

4. Students (A) will develop a short paragraph using the structure given and the model paragraph on the PC , (B) after checking up the PPT ( C) handing it with the picture of the chosen item colored neatly( D)

Moving through this process this week, and the other weeks I could say that I agree with Arbi on his reflection by saying that this course is based on learner autnomy.

Hope to learn more ...................





Arbi said...

Dear Hanan,

I had a look at your one computer lesson plan and I found it very 'delicious';-)Having a lesson on fruits would certainly whet your students' appetites. Therefore, I suggest striking a sort of balance between the real and the virtual. What I mean is including realia in your lesson. Bring some real and ripe fruits to the class!!

Bon appetit,-)

saulat said...

Dear Hanan

Althouh I didn't get to see your complete lesson but I just wanted to appreciate your clear objectives. They are very nicely written. Just for my clarification, when we say correctly or incorrectly will that be regarded as a degree [with reference to the ABCD objectives] I am still struggling with this, hence your feedback will help me clarify my own concept.



Hanan Kanash said...

Dear Arbi and Saulat:

Thanks for passing by.

Arbi, no one can deny the ipmortance of realia in classrooms. Actually I may extend the written activity to include what students can do with trheir senses when experiencing the fruit and tasting its "delicious" taste.

Saulat, I am happy that you liked my objectives.

I think that "Correctness" could be considered as a criteria for "Degree"
. In some cases the degree should be 100% correctness. In other cases we may accept 80% correct responses from students.

It depends on the age and the level of the students and the extent on which other skills require the mastery of the named skill.

I hope I answered your enquiry

