
Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 3 : Delicious to reflect on:

This week has been a wonderful learning experience.

I started the week early with the delicious account, even before Deborah's instructions arrive.It is really nice that Deborah started stating our learning objectives according to ABCD model just immediately after the task of ABCD.

Creating the delicious page was easy fun. Thanks to Deborah,she completed listing our blogs at :  Using this blog is an addition to me this week.

Our discussions were nicely woven by searching about two related skllis, listening as a receptive oskill and speaking as a productive skill that naturally follow s listening.

Our search was also cosolidated by the list of  readings we have been through. Although I did not manage to read the three articles before writing my post  ,which was about Gong's article about speaking , I managed , through my collegues posts' , to get clear idea about the other two articles ,which were about listeniong and pronunciation, An act that embodies the value of a learning community. I think Stephen tends to agree with this idea in his blog post for the week.

My attention was driven to the three stages of teaching listening as they have great similarity in an approach called "Three Phase Approach" and I quote here few lines  byDennis Godfrey at the University of Minnesota  from his abstarct that you may find at:

"Phase One consists of practice aimed toward increasing students' familiarity with and accuracy in processing intrasentential items and thus toward reducing the processing time devoted to intrasentential items. Phase Two pushed students to expand the time they have left over for processing discourse relations by requiring them to perform operations beyond those necessary for processing individual sentences. Phase Three consists of instruction in the types of discourse clues and continuities available to listeners and practice in attending to such clues and continuities."

Victoria has mentioned quite similar ideas in her blog. I have to reiterate that our search was driven by our available technology tools .

My blog , I keep discovering what wonders I may do. so I shared you something I learnt to do:

"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world". ~Anne Frank




Khuloud Asad Shbat said...

Dear Hanan,

Thanks for sharing the Three Phase Approach with us. But I have to tell you that I read the quoted paragraph twice in order to understand the point! It is nice to talk with the blog too :)


Hanan Kanash said...

Dear Khoulod:

Thanks for the comment.

I'll be adding a blog post on the topic later

