
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week (4) Around the world in ........

Just as I started writing, the first idea that came to my mind is Verne's famous story  "Around the world in 80 Days "

The experience this week is  really a journey around the world. I remembered Azhar and Stephen discussing the richness of the course at its beginning. This week is a realization of the idea. Through the detailed and "fatty"  lesson plans ,as described by Arbi, I have been able to draw a picture of the classroom settings in different parts of the world. Wondering among the rich tech environments and the less fortunate ones, the key player is the teacher anh how do teachers manage things to the best of their students.I think I end up with:
  • Abundance of web pages added to my glossary.
  • Well developed lesson plans on different topics that could be easily used.
  • More tips to refining my search
Amazing , yet not finished journey, I'll keep flying .




Khuloud Asad Shbat said...

Dear Hanan,

I also have this feeling that I am "flying" in this course! It is an enjoyable journey.

It is very nice to see how EFL classes look like in different places… we all more or less have the same goal of helping our students study English for different purposes. As teachers I see we have many similarities of the way we think and plan our lessons. The world is getting smaller and smaller...


Azhar Youssef said...

Dear Hanan,

I also have the same feeling and I can't stop flying. The most wondeful thing I have noticed in this course is the similarity among us, our personal characteristics, interests and even our feelings. Wow! How amazing is this similarity?

Another point I agree with is the role of the teacher in the age of technology. I think it gets harder and harder. He/she is responsible not only for selecting suitable materials and websites for students, but also for preparing a generation of students who will be able to create their world from scratch.

Yes, you are right when you said "the teacher is the key player in this game".


Hanan Kanash said...

Dear Kholoud and Azhar:

Thanks a lot for your nice words.

I am happy we share the same feeling ,after all we all teachers.

Warm Regards


Arbi said...

Dear Hanan,
We're still in the beginning of the Odyssey. A lot more is awaiting us to discover and explore. Surprises are part of the joy of learning.