
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 5 Webquests Projects:

It is the end of week 5 and the middle of the course.
This week we had to do different tasks:

  • To read and discuss project based learning
  • To describe some changes to follow using technology
  • To create a rubric
  • To create a webquest as an extra credit
Thinking of these activities, I beleive Deborah led us into a poject based technique to creating the webquest which is another " delicious " tool introduced to us during this course. I learnt about Presi this week at :
while exploring some of the example projects at the links  provided.

This week I had to go back to what I prepared during week 4 and week 2 and to start thinking of the project that I proposed during week 2.  While I was writing the proposal of the project, I was thinking that it is a dream. Today with the tools that we learned , I think it is a dream that almost come true. Some of its parts are already available at   "Task Based Learning"

To be frank, I  've been into the components of the coming weeks and I think it will be true.
As usual, sharing the ideas makes the most  value of this course. This week I had the same opinion as Camelia,Azhar and others about the use of  wiki and webquest as a beneficial tool in teaching. I share Khuloud's opinion about the extra time technology needs for planning and preparing.We enjoy the tools which are easy to use, but this is summer time. I am wondering how much time would a teacher need for preparing a webquest for a whole module?

Surfing through some of the webquests,  I found the answer to the inquiry. Although the webquest could be for a whole module , it could also serve as an extension activity for reading  or grammar, just as our colleagues Stephen and Arbi have respectively proposed.

Perhaps one of the nicest ideas I learned this week was proposed by Arbi about the use of the WI camera to make interactive board.I hope he shares the link on his blog. I value the idea because it will help make better changes in the classroom setting  with limited resources that we have available.

I can foresee slow changes , but ones definitely coming.




Arbi said...

Dear Hanan,
I share with you the excitement you have when you feel you're learning new things every week. The whole course is, I believe, a crucial upgrade that came on the right time before "crashed". I'm so thankful to the course designers and facilitator at the University of Oregon.
You're right about the demanding and time-consuming nature of Webquests. But I think it wouldn't be a good idea to create a webquest for each and every lesson or module. There are lessons and modules that certainly don't need a Webquest to accompany them. The desired learning would take place just in the classroom.However, there are lessons that require webquests that would enable the students to fill in certain gaps that were perhaps impossible to cover in the classroom. That way, they become more responsible and autonomous learners.


Hanan Kanash said...

Dear Arbi:

Thanks for passing by. Designing a webquest for a whole module for students could be the difficult idea , so I agree with you on having seperate lessons for the technology practise,if avalable.



Azhar Youssef said...

Dear Hanan,

Thanks so much for the tool you recommended I searched a lot for such tools that help me make my presentations alive and attractive.

To be honest, I'm about to get mad. Every day I learn many valuable things. I wish this course continues forever.
Waiting for other mad tools and ideas!
